If you don't have access to the paper(s), just send me an email . I'll be happy of sending them to you.
2021 - today
- Salvador Bará. (2025). Trust, but verify: Reducing artificial light emissions and monitoring compliance. (in press).
- Salvador Bará, José J. Castro-Torres. (2025). Diverging evolution of light pollution indicators: can the Globe at Night and VIIRS-DNB measurements be reconciled?. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 335 (2025) 109378. arXiv (free download):
- Juan J. Negro, Salvador Bará, David Galadí-Enríquez, Juan Luis Nieves, Miguel A. Martínez-Domingo, Alejandro Ferrero, Joaquín Campos, Carmen Bao-Varela, Eduard Masana, and Carlos Camacho. (2025). Nocturnal camouflage through background matching against moonlight. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 122 (1) e2406808121,
- Anna Palomar-Cros , Ana Espinosa, Salva Bará, Alejandro Sánchez, Antonia Valentín, Marta Cirach, et al. (2025). Outdoor artificial light-at-night and cardiometabolic disease risk: an urban perspective from the Catalan GCAT cohort study, American Journal of Epidemiology, kwae269,
- Salvador Bará, Raul C. Lima. (2024). Quantifying the visual impact of wind farm lights on the nocturnal landscape. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 329 (2024) 109203. Open access:
- Salvador Bará. (2024) Detecting changes in anthropogenic light emissions: limits due to atmospheric variability. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 2024;329:109187 arXiv:
- Salvador Bará. (2024) Preface, Light pollution: Theory, modeling, and measurements 2022. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 314: 108869.
- Salvador Bará, Fabio Falchi (2023). Artificial light at night: a global disruptor of the night-time environment. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 378: 20220352. Open access: Author Accepted Version (arXiv)
- Salvador Bará, Raul C. Lima (2023). Quantifying the visual impact of wind farm lights on the nocturnal landscape (1.0). Zenodo.
- Fabio Falchi, Salvador Bará, Pierantonio Cinzano, Raul C. Lima, Martin Pawley. (2023) A call for scientists to halt the spoiling of the night sky with artificial light and satellites. Nat Astron 7, 237–239. Free read: arXiv:
- Spitschan, M., Kervezee, L., Lok, R., McGlashan, E., Najjar, R. P., & ENLIGHT Consortium (2023). ENLIGHT: A consensus checklist for reporting laboratory-based studies on the non-visual effects of light in humans. EBioMedicine, 98, 104889.
- John C. Barentine, Aparna Venkatesan, Jessica Heim, James Lowenthal, Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador Bará (2023) Aggregate effects of proliferating low-Earth-orbit objects and implications for astronomical data lost in the noise. Nat Astron 7, 252–258. Free read:
- Fabio Falchi, Salvador Bará (2023) Light pollution is skyrocketing. Science 379(6629):234-235. arXiv:
- Xabier Pérez-Couto, Fabio Falchi, Salvador Bará (2023) On the Posch ratio for irradiance in coastal waters and the high seas, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 298 (2023) 108503. arXiv:
- Miroslav Kocifaj, František Kundracik, Salvador Bará, John Barentine (2023) Vertical distribution of aerosol extinction coefficients at night derived from radiometry of scattered laser light. Atmospheric Environment 297:119599
- Salvador Bará, and Carmen Bao-Varela (2023). Skyglow inside your eyes: intraocular scattering and artificial brightness of the night sky. International Journal of Sustainable Lighting IJSL (2023) 1-9
- Salvador Bará, Carmen Bao-Varela, and Miroslav Kocifaj (2023) Modeling the artificial night sky brightness at short distances from streetlights. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 296 (2023), 108456 arXiv:
- Jaime Zamorano, Salvador Bará, Manuel Barco, Cristóbal García, and Antonio Luis Caballero (2023) Controlling the artificial radiance of the night sky: the Añora urban laboratory. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 296 (2023) 108454
- Salvador Bará, Carmen Bao-Varela, and Raul C. Lima (2023) Quantitative evaluation of outdoor artificial light emissions using low Earth orbit radiometers, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 295 (2023), 108405 arXiv:
- Fabio Falchi, Felipe Ramos, Salvador Bará, Pedro Sanhueza, Marcelo Jaque Arancibia, Guillermo Damke, Pierantonio Cinzano (2022) Light pollution indicators for all the major astronomical observatories. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 519 (1), 26–33.
- Salvador Bará, Carmen Bao-Varela, Fabio Falchi. (2022) Light pollution and the concentration of anthropogenic photons in the terrestrial atmosphere, Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2022, 13(9):101541, arXiv:
- Christopher C. M. Kyba, Martin Aubé, Salvador Bará, et al. (2022) Commentary: multiple angle observations would benefit visible band remote sensing using night lights. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 127, e2021JD036382.
- Miroslav Kocifaj, Frantisek Kundracik, Salvador Bará, John Barentine, Stefan Wallner. (2022). Nighttime Atmospheric Scattering Phase Function Derived from the Scattered Light of a Laser Beam. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL098608.
- Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador Bará, Fabio Falchi. (2022). Towards a global map of the artificial all-sky brightness. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society - Letters 513, L25–L29. doi: 10.1093/mnrasl/slac029 arXiv:
- Salvador Bará. (2022). A note on the overall efficiency of outdoor lighting systems (1.1). Zenodo.
- Salvador Bará, Xabier Pérez-Couto, Fabio Falchi, Miroslav Kocifaj, and Eduard Masana. (2022). Estimating
linear radiance indicators from the zenith night sky brightness: on the
Posch ratio for natural and light polluted skies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 512 (2), 2125–2134 doi: 10.1093/mnras/stac410 arXiv:
Eduard Masana, Salvador Bará, Josep Manel Carrasco, and Salvador J.
Ribas. (2022). An enhanced version of the Gaia map of the brightness of the
natural sky. International Journal of Sustainable Lighting (2022) 1-12. PDF
- Kocifaj, M. and Bará, S. (2022). Diffuse light around cities: new perspectives in satellite remote sensing of nighttime aerosols. Atmospheric Research 266:105969.
- Salvador Bará, Fabio Falchi, Raul C. Lima, Martin Pawley. (2021). Can we illuminate our cities and (still) see the stars?. International Journal of Sustainable Lighting IJSL Vol. 23 No. 2 (2021) 58-69. PDF
- Nicolás Cardiel, Jaime Zamorano, Josep Manel Carrasco, Eduard Masana, Salvador Bará, Rafael González, Jaime Izquierdo, Sergio Pascual, and Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel. (2021). RGB photometric calibration of 15 million Gaia stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 507(1), 318–329, arXiv:
- Salvador Bará, Fabio Falchi, Raul C. Lima, Martin Pawley. (2021). Keeping light pollution at bay: a red-lines, target values, top-down approach. Environmental Challenges 5, 100212. PDF
- Irena Fryc, Salvador Bará, Martin Aubé, John C. Barentine, and Jaime Zamorano. (2021). On the relation between the astronomical and visual photometric systems in specifying the brightness of the night sky for mesopically adapted observers. Leukos 2022, 18(4): 447-458
- Falchi,
F, Bará, S. (2021). Computing light pollution indicators for environmental
assessment. Natural Sciences 2021: e10019. PDF
- Nicolás
Cardiel, Jaime Zamorano, Salvador Bará, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel,
Cristina Cabello, Jesús Gallego, Lucía García, Rafael González, Jaime
Izquierdo, Sergio Pascual, José Robles, Ainhoa Sánchez, Carlos Tapia.(2021). Synthetic RGB photometry of bright stars: definition of the
standard photometric system and UCM library of spectrophotometric
spectra. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 504(3),
3730-3748. arXiv:
- Miroslav Kocifaj, Frantisek Kundracik, John C. Barentine, Salvador Bará. (2021). The proliferation of space objects is a rapidly increasing source of artificial night sky brightness. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters 504, L40–L44.
- Eduard Masana, Josep Manel Carrasco, Salvador Bará, and Salvador J. Ribas. (2021). A multi-band map of the natural night sky brightness including Gaia and Hipparcos integrated starlight. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 501, 5443–5456. ArXiv:
- Salvador Bará, Enric Marco, Salvador J. Ribas, Manuel Garcia Gil, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Jaime Zamorano. (2021). Direct assessment of the sensitivity drift of SQM sensors installed outdoors. International Journal of Sustainable Lighting 23: 1–6. . ArXiv:
2016 - 2020
- Fabio Falchi, Salvador Bará. (2020). A linear systems approach to protect the night sky: implications for current and future regulations. Royal Society Open Science 7: 201501. Full text Open access: Arxiv:
- Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador Bará. Nighttime monitoring of the aerosol content of the lower atmosphere by differential photometry of the anthropogenic skyglow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters, MNRAS 500, L47–L51 (2021). Full text (open access): Published online 10 November 2020.
- Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador X. Bará. Aerosol characterization using satellite remote sensing of light pollution sources at night. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters. MNRAS 495, L76–L80 (2020) Full Text (arXiv)
- Hector Linares Arroyo, Eduard Masana, Salvador Ribas, Martin Aube, Alexandre Simoneau, Salvador X. Bará. Night sky brightness simulation over Montsec protected area. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 249 (2020) 106990
- Salvador Bará, Martin Aubé, John Barentine, and Jaime Zamorano. Magnitude to luminance conversions and visual brightness of the night sky. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 493, 2429–2437 (2020). Full Text (arXiv)
- Salvador Bará, Fabio Falchi, Riccardo Furgoni, Raul C Lima. Fast Fourier-transform calculation of artificial night sky brightness maps. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 240 (2020) 106658, Full Text (arXiv)
- Miroslav Kocifaj, Salvador Bará. Two-index model for characterizing site-specific night sky brightness patterns. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 490, 1953–1960 (2019). Full Text (arXiv)
- Salvador Bará. Black-body luminance and magnitudes per square arcsecond in the Johnson-Cousins BVR photometric bands. Photonics Letters of Poland, 11(3), 63-65 (2019).
- Salvador Bará, Maria Angeles Bonmati-Carrion, Juan Antonio Madrid, Maria Angeles Rol, and Jaime Zamorano. Multispectral estimation of retinal photoreceptoral inputs. Photonics Letters of Poland, 11(3), 60-62 (2019).
- Salvador Bará, Iago Rigueiro, Raul C. Lima. Monitoring transition: expected night sky brightness trends in different photometric bands. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 239 (2019) 106644. Full Text (JQSRT) Full Text (arXiv)
- Salvador Bará, Raul C. Lima, Jaime Zamorano. Monitoring long-term trends in the anthropogenic brightness of the night sky. Sustainability 2019, 11(11), 3070 Open access:
- Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, Salvador Bará, Martin Aubé, Nicolas Cardiel, Carlos E. Tapia, Jaime Zamorano, Kevin J. Gaston. Evaluating human photoreceptoral inputs from night-time lights using RGB imaging photometry. Journal of Imaging. 2019; 5(4):49 Open access:
- Salvador Bará, Carlos E. Tapia and Jaime Zamorano, Absolute Radiometric Calibration of TESS-W and SQM Night Sky Brightness Sensors, Sensors 2019, 19(6), 1336; Open access: Full Text (Sensors)
- Salvador Bará, and Raul C. Lima, Photons without borders: quantifying light pollution transfer between territories, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting 20(2), 51-61 (2018) Open access: DOI Full text (IJSL)
- Salvador Bará, Ángel Rodríguez-Arós, Marcos Pérez, Borja Tosar, Raul C. Lima, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, and Jaime Zamorano, Estimating the relative contribution of streetlights, vehicles, and residential lighting to the urban night sky brightness, Lighting Research and Technology 2019; 51:1092–1107 (Published online before print, Oct 29, 2018) DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf)
- Xavier Ges, Salvador Bará, Manuel García-Gil, Jaime Zamorano, Salvador J. Ribas, and Eduard Masana, Light pollution offshore: zenithal sky glow measurements in the Mediterranean coastal waters, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 210, 91–100 (2018) DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf)
- Salvador Bará, Variations on a classical theme: On the formal relationship between magnitudes per square arcsecond and luminance, International Journal of Sustainable Lighting 19 (2), 104-111 (2017). DOI Full text (IJSL)
- Salvador Bará, Jaume Escofet, On lamps, walls, and eyes: the spectral radiance field and the evaluation of light pollution indoors, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 205, 267–277 (2018). DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf)
- Salvador Bará, Characterizing the zenithal night sky brightness in large territories: How many samples per square kilometer are needed?, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 473, 4164–4173 (2018) DOI Full text (MNRAS) AuthorAccepted Version (pdf)
- Ramon Alamús, Salvador Bará, Jordi Corbera, Jaume Escofet, Vicenç Palà, Luca Pipia, Anna Tardà, Ground-based hyperspectral analysis of the urban nightscape, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 124 (2017) 16–26. DOI Author Accepted Version
- Salvador Bará, Anthropogenic disruption of the night sky darkness in urban and rural areas, Royal Society Open Science 3: 160541 (2016). Full text
- Salvador Bará and Jaume Escofet, Research note: Calculating spectral irradiance indoors, Lighting Research and Technology (2017), 49: 122-127, published online before print September 1, 2016. DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf)
- Jaume Escofet and Salvador Bará, Reducing the circadian input from self-luminous devices using hardware filters and software applications, Lighting Research and Technology 49:481-496 (2017), first published online December 10, 2015. DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf) .
- R. Estrada-García, M. García-Gil, L. Acosta, S. Bará, A. Sanchez de Miguel, and J. Zamorano, Statistical modelling and satellite monitoring of upward light from public lighting, Lighting Research and Technology (2016) 48: 810-822. Published online, 21 April 2015. DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf)
- Salvador Bará, Salvador Ribas and Miroslav Kocifaj, Modal evaluation of the anthropogenic night sky brightness at arbitrary distances from a light source, Journal of Optics (IOP) 17, (2015) 105607 (9pp) DOI Author Accepted Version (pdf) .
- Salvador Bará, Víctor Tilve, Miguel Nievas, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, and Jaime Zamorano, Zernike power spectra of clear and cloudy light-polluted urban night skies, Applied Optics Vol. 54, Issue 13, pp. 4120-4129 (2015) DOI Author Accepted version (pdf)
- Eliseo Pailos and Salvador Bará, Wavefront aberration statistics in normal eye populations: are they well described by the Kolmogorov model?, Optics Letters 39 (11), 3197-3200 (2014). Published online April 25, 2014. Abstract
- Salvador Bará, Miguel Nievas, Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel, and Jaime Zamorano, Zernike analysis of all-sky night brightness maps, Applied Optics 53 (12), 2677-2686 (2014). Abstract
- Salvador Bará, Justo Arines, and Eliseo Pailos, Synthetic-aperture wavefront sensing, Optical Engineering 53(6), 061703 (June 2014). Published online Dec 2013. Abstract
- Salvador Bará, Eliseo Pailos, Justo Arines, Norberto López-Gil, and Larry Thibos, Estimating the eye aberration coefficients in resized pupils: Is it better to refit or to rescale?, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 31, Issue 1, pp. 114-123 (2014). Published online Dec 2013. Abstract
- Augusto Arias, Salvador Bará, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, and Andrzej Kolodziejczyk, Visual Strehl performance of IOLs designs with extended depth of focus, Optometry and Vision Science, 89(12), 1702-1707 (2012). Abstract
- Salvador Bará, Eliseo Pailos and Justo Arines, Signal-to-noise ratio and aberration statistics in ocular aberrometry, Optics Letters 37(12), 2427-2429 (2012). Abstract
- K. Petelczyc, S. Bará, A. Ciro Lopez, Z. Jaroszewicz, K. Kakarenko, A. Kolodziejczyk, and M. Sypek, Imaging properties of the light sword optical element used as a contact lens in a presbyopic eye model, Optics Express 19 (25), 25602-25616 (2011). Abstract Full text (pdf)
- K. Petelczyc, S. Bará, A. Ciro Lopez, Z. Jaroszewicz, K. Kakarenko, A. Kolodziejczyk, and M. Sypek, Contrast transfer characteristics of the light sword optical element designed for presbyopia compensation, Journal of the European Optical Society - RP 6, 11053, 7 pp. (2011). Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Raúl Martínez-Cuenca, Vicente Durán, Justo Arines, Jorge Ares, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Salvador Bará, Lluís Martínez-León, and Jesús Lancis, Closed-loop adaptive optics with a single element for wavefront sensing and correction, Optics Letters 36 (18), 3702-3704 (2011). Abstract
- Durán, V.; Climent, V.; Lancis, J.; Tajahuerce, E.; Bará, S.; Arines, J.; Ares, J.; Andrés, P.; Jaroszewicz, Z., Dynamic Wavefront Sensing and Correction with Low-Cost Twisted Nematic Spatial Light Modulators, in T. Fournel and B. Javidi (eds.). Information Optics and Photonics, ISBN 978-1-4419-7379-5. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, 2010, Chapter 5 p. 63-76. Abstract
- Jesús Lancis, Raúl Martínez-Cuenca, Jorge Ares, and Salvador Bará, Centroid propagation through optical systems with ABCD kernels and non-uniform or finite apertures, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 28 (7), 1524-1530 (2011).
- Justo Arines, Eliseo Pailos, Paula Prado and Salvador Bará, The contribution of the fixational eye movements to the variability of the measured ocular aberration, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 29, 281-287 (2009)
- Paula Prado, Justo Arines, Salvador Bará, Silvestre Manzanera, Alejandro Mira, and Pablo Artal, Changes of ocular aberrations with gaze, Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 29, 264-271 (2009)
- J. Ares García, S. Bará, M. Gómez García, Z. Jaroszewicz, A. Kolodziejczyk, and K. Petelczyc, Imaging with extended focal depth by means of the refractive light sword optical element, Optics Express 16 (22), 18371-18378 (2008)
- Justo Arines, Paula Prado, Salvador Bara and Eva Acosta, Equivalence of least-squares estimation of eye aberrations in linearly transformed reference frames, Optics Communications 281 (2008), 2716-2721.
- Salvador Bará, Characteristic functions of Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensors and laser ray-tracing aberrometers, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24 (12), 3700-3707 (2007)
- Justo Arines, Vicente Durán, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Jorge Ares, Enrique Tajahuerce, Paula Prado, Jesús Lancis, Salvador Bará and Vicent Climent, Measurement and compensation of optical aberrations using a single spatial light modulator, Optics Express 12, November 2007 / Vol. 15, No. 23 / 15287-15292
- Vicente Durán, Vicent Climent, Enrique Tajahuerce, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Justo Arines and Salvador Bará, Efficient compensation of Zernike modes and eye aberration patterns using low-cost spatial light modulators, Journal of Biomedical Optics 12 (1), 014037 (January/February 2007), pp, 014037-1 to -6.
- Salvador Bará, Paula Prado, Justo Arines and Jorge Ares, Estimation-induced correlations of the Zernike coefficients of the eye aberration, Optics Letters 31 (17), 2646-2648 (2006)
- Salvador Bará, Justo Arines, Jorge Ares and Paula Prado, Direct transformation of Zernike eye aberration coefficients between scaled, rotated and/or displaced pupils, Journal of the Optical Society of America A 23 (9), 2061-2066 (2006)
- Luis Díaz-Santana, Justo Arines, Paula Prado and Salvador Bará, Translational and rotational pupil tracking using wavefront aberration data and image registration techniques, Optics Letters 31 (11), 1642-1644 (2006)
- P. Rodríguez, R. Navarro, J. Arines and S. Bará, A New Calibration Set of Phase Plates for Ocular Aberrometers, Journal of Refractive Surgery 22, 275-284 (2006)
2001 - 2005
- J. Ares, R. Flores, S. Bará and Z. Jaroszewicz, Presbyopia compensation with a quartic Axicon, Optometry and Vision Science 82 (12) 1071-1078 (2005)
- Luis Díaz-Santana, Grace Walker and Salvador X. Bará, Sampling geometries for ocular aberrometry: a model for evaluation of performance, Optics Express 13 (22), 8801-8818 (2005)
- E. Acosta and S. Bará, Variable aberration generators using rotated Zernike plates, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 22 (9), 1993-1996 (2005)
- S. Doallo, L. Lorenzo-López, C. Vizoso, S. Rodríguez Holguín, E. Amenedo, S. Bará and F. Cadaveira, Modulations of the visual N1 component of event-related potentials by central and peripheral cueing, Clinical Neurophysiology 116, 807-820 (2005)
- Z. Jaroszewic, A. Kolodziejczyk, A. Mira, R. Henao and S. Bará, Equilateral hyperbolic moiré zone plates with variable focus obtained by rotations, Optics Express, 13 (3), 918-925 (2005)
- Sonia Doallo, Laura Lorenzo-López, Carmen Vizoso, Socorro Rodríguez Holguín, Elena Amenedo, Salvador Bará, Fernando Cadaveira, The time course of the effects of central and peripheral cues on visual processing: an event-related potentials study, Clinical Neurophysiology 115, 199-210 (2004)
- Salvador Bará, Measuring eye aberrations with Hartmann-Shack wave-front sensors: Should the irradiance distribution across the eye pupil be taken into account?, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol 20 (12), 2237-2245 (2003)
- M.J. Paz-Alonso, H. Michinel and S. Bará, The nonlinear refractive index of a glass plate as a beam transformation and its application to z-scan, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol 20 (12), 2484-2491 (2003)
- Justo Arines and Salvador Bará, Hybrid technique for high resolution imaging of the eye fundus, Optics Express, Vol 11 (7), 761-766 (2003)
- Salvador Bará and Rafael Navarro, Wide-field compensation of monochromatic eye aberrations: expected performance and design trade-offs, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol 20 (1), 1-10 (2003)
- Stephen A. Burns, Susana Marcos, Ann E. Elsner, Salvador Bará, Contrast Improvement for Confocal Retinal Imaging Using Phase Correcting Plates, Optics Letters, Vol 27 (6), 400-402 (2002)
- V.V. Voitsekhovich, S. Bará, V.G. Orlov, Co-phasing of segmented telescopes: a new approach to piston measurements, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 382, 746-751 (2002)
- Valerii V. Voitsekhovich, Salvador Bará and Julián Mayor, Calculation of minimum-variance estimators for Hartmann sensing using random wave vector simulations, J. Opt. A: Pure Appl. Opt., Vol. 3, 120-125 (2001)
1996 - 2000
- Justo Arines and Salvador Bará, Significance of the recovery filter in Deconvolution from Wavefront Sensing, Optical Engineering Vol 39, 2789-2796 (2000)
- Salvador Bará, Teresa Mancebo and Esther Moreno-Barriuso, Positioning tolerances for phase plates compensating aberrations of the human eye, Applied Optics Vol. 39, 3413-3420 (2000)
- Jorge Ares, Teresa Mancebo and Salvador Bará, Position and displacement sensing with Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors, Applied Optics Vol. 39, 1511-1520 (2000)
- Rafael Navarro and Esther Moreno-Barriuso, Salvador Bará and Teresa Mancebo, Phase plates for wave-aberration compensation in the human eye, Optics Letters, Vol. 25, 236-238 (2000),
- Valerii V. Voitsekhovich and Salvador Bará, Efficiency of optimum Kolmogorov estimators for different atmospheric statistics: Hartmann test, Optics Communications, Vol. 165, 163-170 (1999)
- V.V. Voitsekhovich and S. Bará, Effect of anisotropic imaging in off-axis adaptive astronomical systems, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Suppl. Ser. 137, 385-389 (1999)
- Eva Acosta, Salvador Bará and Susana Ríos, Modal projectors for linear operators in Optics, Optics Communications, Vol. 162, 211-214 (1999)
- Christopher J. Solomon, Susana Ríos, Eva Acosta and Salvador Bará, Modal wavefront projectors of minimum error norm, Optics Communications, Vol. 155, 251-254 (1998)
- Julián Mayor, Susana Ríos and Salvador Bará, Hartmann sensing of random phase fields with uncertain Fried parameter, Optics Communications, Vol. 152, 247-251 (1998)
- Teresa Mancebo and Salvador Bará, Interferometric monitoring of surface shaping processes in microlenses produced by melting photoresist, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 45, 1029-1037 (1998)
- Valerii V. Voitsekhovich, Salvador Bará, Susana Ríos and Eva Acosta, Minimum-variance phase reconstruction from Hartmann sensors with circular subpupils, Optics Communications, Vol. 148, 225-229 (1998)
- Susana Ríos, Eva Acosta and Salvador Bará, Hartmann sensing with Albrecht grids, Optics Communications Vol. 133, 443-453 (1997)
- Salvador Bará, Susana Ríos and Eva Acosta, Integral evaluation of the modal phase coefficients in curvature sensing: Albrecht's cubatures, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 13, 1467-1474 (1996)
- Susana Ríos, Eva Acosta and Salvador Bará, Modal phase estimation from wavefront curvature sensing, Optics Communications Vol. 123, 453-456 (1996)
1985 - 1995
- E. Acosta, S. Bará, M.A. Rama and. S. Ríos, Determination of phase mode components in terms of local wave-front slopes: an analytical approach, Optics Letters Vol. 20, 1083-1085 (1995)
- Z. Jaroszewicz, A. Kolodziejczyk, D. Mouriz and S. Bará, Analytic design of computer-generated holograms focusing in nonplanar curves, Optics Communications Vol. 101, 306-310 (1993)
- J. Sochacki, S. Bará , Z. Jaroszewicz and A. Kolodziejczyk, Phase retardation of the uniform-intensity axilens, Optics Letters Vol. 17, 7-9 (1992)
- J. Sochacki, A. Kolodziejczyk , Z. Jaroszewicz and S. Bará, Nonparaxial design of generalized axicons, Applied Optics Vol. 31, 5326-5330 (1992)
- Salvador Bara Viñas, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Andrzej Kolodziejczyk and Maciej Sypek, Zone plates with black focal spots, Applied Optics Vol. 31, 192-198 (1992)
- Andrzej Kolodziejczyk , Zbigniew Jaroszewicz and Salvador Bará, Modulated circular zone plates: focusing in 2-D curves, Journal of Modern Optics Vol. 38, 81-88 (1991)
- S. Bara, Z. Jaroszewicz, A. Kolodziejczyk and M. Sypek, Method for scaling the output focal curves formed by computer generated zone plates, Optics and Laser Technology Vol. 23, 303-307 (1991)
- Vicente Moreno, Salvador Bara, María V. Perez and Carlos Gomez-Reino, Axial displacement and tilting control of a plane surface using a circular zone plate, Journal of Modern Optics Vol. 38, 597-604 (1991)
- Salvador Bara, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Andrzej Kolodziejczyk and Vicente Moreno, Determination of basic grids for substractive moire patterns, Applied Optics Vol. 30, 1258-1262 (1991)
- Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Andrzej Kolodziejczyk, Dolores Mouriz and Salvador Bará, Analytic design of computer-generated Fourier transform holograms for plane curves reconstruction, Journal of the Optical Society of America Vol A8, 559-565 (1991)
- Andrzej Kolodziejczyk, Salvador Bará, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz and Maciej Sypek, The light sword optical element: a new diffraction structure with extended depth of focus, Journal of Modern Optics Vol 37, 1283-1286 (1990)
- Salvador Bará, Christian Frère, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Andrzej Kolodziejczyk and Detlef Leseberg, Modulated on-axis circular zone plates for a generation of 3-D focal curves, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol.37, 1287-1295 (1990)
- S. Bara, Z. Jaroszewicz , A. Kolodziejczyk and D. Mouriz, Computer-generated Fourier transform holograms focusing in 2D curves, Optics Communications, Vol.77, 360-364 (1990)
- Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, Vicente Moreno and Salvador Bara, Interferometric alignment using parabolic and off-axis conical zone plates, Applied Optics, Vol. 29, 4614-4617 (1990) (Reprinted in Selected Papers on Zone Plates, J. Ojeda-Castañeda and C. Gómez-Reino (Eds.), SPIE Milestone Series, vol. MS 128, pp. 164-167, International Society for Optical Engineering, 1996.)
- Salvador Bará Viñas and Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, On-axis zone plates obtained by superposition of two coplanar conical wavefronts, Journal of Modern Optics Vol.36, 1093-1102 (1989)
- S. Bará and C. Gómez-Reino, A holographic optical element for nonsymmetric Fourier transform system, Journal of Modern Optics, Vol. 36, 21-30 (1989)
- S. Bará and V. Moreno, One-dimensional image and orthogonal Fourier transform with an elliptical zone plate, Applied Optics, Vol. 28, 4731-4733 (1989) (Reprinted in Selected Papers on Zone Plates, J. Ojeda-Castañeda and C. Gómez-Reino (Eds.), SPIE Milestone Series, vol. MS 128, pp. 300-302, International Society for Optical Engineering, 1996.)
- V. Moreno, S. Bara, M.V. Perez, C. Gomez-Reino and J.H. Garcia, Tilting and shearing determination in the alignment of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer by zone plates, Optics and LaserTechnology, Vol.20, 89-94 (1988)
- M.V. Pérez, C. Gómez-Reino and S. Bará, Holographically produced parabolic zone plates, Optical Engineering, Vol. 26, 461-466 (1987)
- S. Bará, C. Gómez-Reino, V. Moreno and M.V. Pérez, Simultaneously image and Fourier transform by circular zone plates: a simple method, Applied Optics, Vol. 24, 453-454 (1985)
History of science
- Jorge Mira-Pérez and Salvador X. Bará: Determining Longitude: A Brief History, Physics Today vol 58 (10), pp. 15-16, October 2005. (Letter). Full text (pdf)
- Salvador X. Bará Viñas, Innovación tecnolóxica e astronomía social na eclipse de sol do 17 de abril de 1912 no Barco de Valdeorras. Revista da Real Academia Galega de Ciencias, vol XXXI, pp. 55-68 (2012). Full text (pdf)
Physics / Optics and Astronomy outreach
- Martin Pawley, Salvador Bará e Ana Ulla, Contaminación luminosa, LUZES, núm 60 (2018), 34-35. Link
Salvador Bará e Jorge Mira (coordinadores da edición), Óscar Blanco,
Ana García, Daniel Llamas, Daniel Lois, Alfredo Madrigal, Pablo M.
Alemparte, Fernando Rey, Ángel R. Arós e Alba Rodríguez. NA PROCURA DA NOITE: Fotografando o ceo nocturno, Libro electrónico: Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, USC, 2018. ISBN: 978-84-16954-65-0, DOI
- María Ángeles Rol de Lama and Salvador Bará. Posibles riesgos de la iluminación LED para la salud.
(In Spanish) Ch. 2 of the book Posibles riesgos de la iluminación LED.
Conclusiones del Grupo de Trabajo del Comité Español de Iluminación
(CEI, 2018), pp. 53-79. ISBN: 978-84-946991-7-7 Full text (pdf)
- Salvador Bará, E fixemos a luz! Volume n. 2 of the Biblioteca de Dilvulgación, Serie Científica, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico, 2015 (International Year of Light). ISBN: 978-84-16533-54-1. More info here
- Salvador Bará, The sky within your eyes (Eye aberrations and visual Astronomy), Sky and Telescope, 126 (2), 68-71 (August, 2013). Full text (pdf)
- Salvador X. Bará y Dositeo Veiga, Contaminación lumínica y concienciación ciudadana, Física y Sociedad, No. 21, pp. 44-45, Junio 2011 (Revista del Colegio Oficial de Físicos, Especial Monográfico: Contaminación Lumínica y Eficiencia Energética) / ISSN 113-8953. Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Salvador Bará, Social Astronomy: Cooperating with Local Community Networks, Communicating Astronomy with the Public, CAP-journal, No. 7, November 2009, pp. 26-29 (Ed.: International Astronomical Union, Division XII - Commission 55, ISSN 1996-5621 (Print) ISSN 1996-563X (On-line)). Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Salvador Bará, El cielo está en tu barrio, AstronomíA, num 124, Octubre 2009, pp. 76-81 (Equipo Sirius, ed.).
- Salvador Bará, As Vidas de Galileo, Galician version of Les Vies de Galilée by Fiami, official comic book of the International Year of Astronomy IYA-2009. Servizo de Publicacións e Intercambio Científico da USC, 2009. ISBN 978-84-9887-123-4. Abstract
- Salvador Bará y Alejandro Suárez, El "láser verde" en Astronomía, AstronomíA, Núm. 114 Diciembre 2008, pp. 76-83 (Equipo Sirius, ed). Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Daniel Vázquez, Paula Prado, Ramón Flores, Sara Chamadoira, Salvador Bará, Justo Arines, Jorge Ares, Eva Acosta, Nuevos desarrollos en metodología y tecnología de componentes y sistemas para aberrometría ocular, Optica Pura y Aplicada 39 (3) 247-253 (2006). Abstract Full text (pdf)
- Salvador X. Bará, Justo Arines, Jorge Ares, Paula Prado, Fotoescultura: Tecnología microóptica para la Optometría del siglo XXI, Ver y Oír, Núm 200, pp.622-630 (November 2005))
Book reviews
- Salvador Bará, "Coherent Optics", by Werner Lauterborn and Thomas Kurz, Optics and Photonics News, Vol 15 (6), p. 42, June 2004. (Book review)
- Salvador Bará, "A History of Light and Colour Measurement. Science in the Shadows", by Sean F. Johnston, Optics and Photonics News, Vol 14 (5), p. 58, May 2003. (Book review)
- Salvador Bará, "The Rainbow Bridge: Rainbows in Art, Myth and Science", by Raymond L. Lee and Alistair B. Fraser, Optics and Photonics News, Vol 14 (2), p. 50, February 2003. (Book review)
- Justo Arines Piferrer, Salvador X. Bará Viñas, "Dispositivo y procedimiento de medida de frente de onda"/ Device and procedure for wavefront measurement (ES 2458919)
- Jorge Ares García, Justo Arines Piferrer, Vicent Climent Jordá, Enrique A. Tajahuerce Romera, Vicente A. Durán Bosch, Jesús Lancis Sáez, Raúl Martínez Cuenca, Salvador X. Bará Viñas, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, "Procedimiento de óptica adaptativa para la medida y compensación de aberraciones con un elemento óptico reconfigurable y dispositivo para su realización"/ Adaptive optics procedure for measuring and compensating optical aberrations with a reconfigurable optical element and device to implement it (ES 2363747)
- Jorge Ares García, Justo Arines Piferrer, Vicent Climent Jordá, Enrique A. Tajahuerce Romera, Vicente A. Durán Bosch, Jesús Lancis Sáez, Raúl Martínez Cuenca, Salvador X. Bará Viñas, "Procedimiento para la medida de aberraciones ópticas con rango y sensibilidad variables mediante dos elementos ópticos reconfigurables y dispositivo para su realización" / Procedure and device for measuring optical aberrations with variable sensitivity and dymnamic range by means of two reconfigurable optical elements (ES 2365094)
- Salvador Xurxo Bará Viñas and Eva Acosta Plaza, "Procedimiento para la generación de aberraciones ópticas de magnitud variable mediante rotación de componentes ópticos y dispositivo para su puesta en práctica" / Procedure and device for generating optical aberrations of variable magnitude by means of rotations (ES 2292296)
- Enrique A. Tajahuerce Romera, Vicent Climent Jordá, Jesús Lancis Sáez, Vicente Durán Bosch, Salvador Xurxo Bará Viñas, Justo Arines Piferrer, Zbigniew Jaroszewicz, "Procedimiento para la compensación de aberraciones ópticas mediante pantallas de cristal líquido tipo TNLCD y dispositivo para su puesta en práctica" / Procedure and device for optical aberrations compensation using TNLCD liquid-crystal displays (ES 2298044)
- Jorge Ares García, Salvador X. Bará Viñas, José Ramón Flores Seijas, “Elemento óptico para la obtención de imágenes con gran profundidad de foco, y su utilización para la compensación de la presbicie” / Optical element for imaging with high depth of focus and its use in presbyopia compensation (ES 2277705)
- Rafael Navarro Belsué, Pablo Rodríguez Pérez, Justo Arines Piferrer y Salvador X. Bará Viñas,“Conjunto de láminas de fase y sus procedimientos de uso en calibraciones y ensayos ópticos” / Set of phase plates and its procedures of use for calibration and optical testing (ES 2270659)
- Bará Viñas, Salvador; Mancebo López, Teresa; Navarro Belsué, Rafael, “Láminas de fase compensadoras de aberraciones oculares de alto y bajo orden” / Phase plates for the compensation of low- and high-order eye aberrations (ES 2163369)
- Acosta Plaza, E., Bará Viñas, S., Ríos Rodríguez, S. “Sensor de frente de ondas con matriz de microlentes distribuidas espacialmente según los nodos de fórmulas de cubatura” / Wavefront sensor with an array of microlenses spatially distributed at the nodes of cubature formulae (ES 2114799)