
  Salvador X. Bará, PhD   Former Profesor Titular de Universidade, Area de Óptica, at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC),  GALICIA (Spain, European Union). Should you wish to contact me, please write to:   Mastodon: BlueSky: Twitter: @salvabara  ORCID:
Welcome to Salva Bará´s site !   After a fruitful period of forty years at Universidade de Santiago de Compostela now I continue researching as an independent scholar.   My present work focuses on the application of Physics and Photonics methods, concepts and devices to analyze, assess and solve issues relevant to light pollution, i.e. the unwanted effects associated with the alteration of the darkness of the natural night due to the emissions of artificial light.    Light pollution is an inter-disciplinary field of knowledge that has elicited in recent years a growing interest among the scientific community. Besides the widely known consequences of the increased skyglow for science, in particular for optical astronomy, the misuse of artificial light at night has been shown to have measurable and negative side-effects on global energy consumption, wildlife, human health and on the preservation of key aspects of humankind's cultural intangible heritage. Mastodon: @salvab
 A USC vén de poñer en acceso libre "E fixemos a luz!" (pdf) con licenza Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 Podedes descargalo dende esta ligazón   USC has released in open access the book (pdf) "E fixemos a luz!" , under license Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 You may download it using this link